Where are the raingardens?

We’ve contacted Local Authorities in Scotland and asked them where their raingardens are. This map shows these, as well as any others we’ve found so far.

If you know about a raingarden that isn’t here, please contact us.

The Legend can be opened by clicking on the double right arrow in the top left hand corner of the map. All Raingarden types are on by default but can be toggled on and off. To zoom in/out of the map use the + and icons or by using the mouse wheel. The home icon will take you back to the initial view. Clicking on the points will give you further information about the Raingarden. You can also search for an address or place using the search function in the top right of the map.

Smart phone users – the map is best viewed in landscape mode.

Information Leaflets

Our information leaflets can be downloaded below. Please contact us if you would like paper copies.